About Us

About Ranjesh Foundation

RANJESH FOUNDATION is a registered NPO(Non Profit Organisation) working together with Partners & Local Communities in India to improve Environment & Human Well-Being registered under section 8 of Indian company Act.

  • It is funded and promoted by group of highly qualified individuals from premium technical institute of India, Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) all having more than 35 years of working experience in various technology area.
  • We wish to give back to the society our technical experiences and wealth created in 35 years of professional life.
  • To support, promote, help to cultivate, grow, produce, harvest in agriculture produce of all description, like fruits, vegetable, seeds and herbal products and seeds, vegetable, fruits and herbal items.
  • To conduct seminars and meeting among farmers to help them to use various technology for the purpose of agriculture.
  • To support, promote, help to Agricultural and animal husbandry service activities, Harvesting and activities related to harvesting, Other agricultural activities.
  • To help in the Processing of agriculture produce, example. processing of phool makhana, animal feed, products of Maze/corn farming.
  • To provide Information technology related service, software, hardware infrastructure for IT enabled marketting and sales and services for the benefit of farmers.
  • To help them with Agri based machine banks (tractors, harvester,dryers) for small farmers To promote fishery culture related work also.

We develop, Establish, promote, facilitate, promotion, improvement of educational, social, cultural, economical and medical relief to the poor and downtrodden and advancement of any other charitable and developmental objects of general public utility and community welfare.