Welcome to Ranjesh Foundation

RANJESH FOUNDATION is a registered NPO (Non Profit Organisation) working together with Partners & Local Communities in India to improve Environment & Human Well-Being registered under section 8 of Indian company Act.

Our Approach

  • To support, promote, help to cultivate, grow, produce, harvest in agriculture produce of all description, like fruits, vegetable, seeds and herbal products and seeds, vegetable, fruits and herbal items.
  • To conduct seminars and meeting among farmers to help them to use various technology for the purpose of agriculture.
  • To support, promote, help to Agricultural and animal husbandry service activities, Harvesting and activities related to harvesting, Other agricultural activities.
  • To help in the Processing of agriculture produce, example. processing of phool makhana, animal feed, products of Maze/corn farming.
  • To provide Information technology related service, software, hardware infrastructure for IT enabled marketting and sales and services for the benefit of farmers.
  • To help them with Agri based machine banks (tractors, harvester,dryers) for small farmers To promote fishery culture related work also.


A society where all people have equal access to opportunities and resources to participate in the development process and live life with dignity.


Create opportunities for disadvantaged sections of society to improve their quality of life through knowledge-based socio-economic interventions with an integrated approach.


We will transform lives and livelihoods to drastically reduce poverty, while having a positive impact on climate change and nature. Over the next ten years, millions of people will earn a more sustainable income.

Work With Us

Unlocking economic opportunities in partnership with the public and private sectors has shown us that commercial solutions to poverty are possible. Markets can work for the poor when they create the capacities, incentives and connections for inclusive economic growth that leaves no one behind.



We design to refocus graduates in agriculture and related subjects to secure and ensure employability and develop entrepreneurs for emerging knowledge-intensive agriculture by articulating knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences.


The Rural Development Programme implemented an integrated rural development model aimed at developing shared village infrastructure and improving the income of beneficiaries.


The RANJESH FOUNDATION has supported small marginal farmers with quality inputs, tools, training and market access in all our impact areas with the aim of increasing their income.


Facilitate public-private partnerships in all development interventions so that individuals, governments, the business sector and civil society can work together to change lives. To be a non-profit organization leading the creation of replicable, sustainable, results-driven innovations that help eradicate poverty across the India.